Exhibitions and Events

Gutbrod at Achema, 15. - 19. June 2015

Exhibition report

As one of the leading firms for trendsetting solutions in fluoropolymer surface technology Rudolf Gutbrod GmbH is presenting herself at the ACHEMA 2015 in Frankfurt with groundbreaking recent and further developments.

Basis for new and advanced coatings and linings is the continuous dialogue with customers and suppliers - therefore Gutbrod is able to attend individually and promptly to customers wishes. In communication with her development department and her suppliers Gutbrod is capable to process and produce trendsetting solutions.

On the ACHEMA 2015 the coating”AMD-50 PFA” was shown for the first time to a broad expert audience.

With the new coating AMD-50 PFA, the customer obtains a high-end chemical protection coating with excellent permeation features which not only can be lined on almost all forms and designs, but is also especially applicable for storage tanks and containers.

By means of AMD-50 it is possible to coat and protect sustainable and economical tanks and containers through a manway opening with a high-quality chemical-resistant and acid-proof inside coating.
This coating applied here is resistant as against chemicals and acids and enjoys many advantages compared with commercially available coatings, for example: seamless lining, no welding seam, no adhesive, due to special fillers very good permeation features, easy to clean, FDA conformal, conductible version available, resistant to many acids, liquors and solvents, application in high-temperature ranges possible.


Among these and other further developed products Gutbrod also showed established and reliable non-stick and chemical-protection coatings, which are used in various industry application fields.

The Rudolf Gutbrod GmbHs coatings and linings at the ACHEMA 2015 attracted wide interest amongst the specialized public.

In recent years Rudolf Gutbrod GmbH extended her sales network continuously, thus led to a strong increase of orders in the foreign countries of Europe. At the ACHEMA 2015 Rudolf Gutbrod GmbH presented herself for the first time with her agencies and introduced her products and applications together with her agencies to numerous interested parties from the foreign countries of Europe.

It became apparent that Rudolf Gutbrod GmbH - for more than 50 years now successfully active on the market – with continuous investments in product development and product improvement together with latest coating and lining technologies stays successfully on a growth course.

Rudolf Gutbrod GmbH
July 2015

Location: Frankfurt Fairgrounds

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